Gebirgsjäger Armbadge Gebirgsjäger Armbadge

Gebirgsjäger Armbadge

The Gebirgsjäger Armbadge was a military badge worn by members of the German Wehrmacht (Heer) who were part of the Gebirgsjäger, or mountain troops. This badge was specifically associated with the German Army (Heer). The Gebirgsjäger were specialized troops trained and equipped for mountain warfare, and they played a significant role in various campaigns, including those in mountainous regions like the Alps.

The armbadge typically featured an edelweiss flower design, which is a white alpine flower known for its association with mountainous regions. This badge was worn on the uniform sleeve by Gebirgsjäger to signify their mountain troop status.

Code: 18583

45.00 EUR